
A.はいどうもA.hi, everyone.B.よろしくお願いします言うてね、頑張ってやっていかなあかんなゆうてますけどねB.nice to meet you, we always talk about that let's try our best.A.お前うるさいねんA.you're noisy.B.うるさいてなんやねん、元気出していこ…


I wanna keep to be calm with listening music I love, do not wanna be messed during everyday working, I want just it. it's not appropriate for my life that being too much fighting and irritated every time, and usually I feel they doing like…


I've taken a way to live that writting articles. never earned some litte money, but it has been the way, and sometimes it's just reason why I live, throwing words to a giant wall in front of me, to people walking through with looking coldl…